State of survival hero exchange
State of survival hero exchange

state of survival hero exchange

Later this month, the ICI Global Steering Committee will meet for the first time in person, and participate in a learning exchange with Canadian First Nations in Vancouver, Canada, ahead of the 7th GEF Assembly taking place August 22-26, 2023. Together, we were able to identify the main challenges facing Indigenous-led conservation to us we are not stopping, we are just beginning.” Lucy Mulenkei, Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG), says of the years-long collaboration with the GEF that led to the creation of ICI: “Walking this path together has been very positive and fruitful. This initial phase of ICI laid the mindful foundations for ways in which multilateral finance can improve efficiency in reaching IPs and LCs, by working to tailor financial requirements and supporting IP and LC organizations to meet them. While there is much more to be done, ICI is piloting adaptive measures to increase and simplify IP and LC access to conservation finance. “This is just the beginning, and much more is needed to support, enhance and invest in Indigenous-led conservation for the protection of the planet.” “Demonstrating that supporting IPs and LCs is an efficient and effective approach to the conservation needed to reach various global goals, the initiatives supported by ICI will improve a combined 7.6 million hectares of landscapes and seascapes with high biodiversity that three million IPs and LCs call home,” says Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, GEF CEO and Chairperson. The Indigenous organizations that lead each initiative are in the process of designing impact strategies to guide implementation of their projects on the ground. A global selection process identified ten Indigenous-led initiatives in nine diverse geographies spanning twelve countries. With over US$ 22.5 million in funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and over US$ 90 million of expected co-financing, ICI is designed to support the leadership of IPs and LCs in stewarding lands, waters, and natural resources.

state of survival hero exchange

Yet, IP and LC access to finance has remained limited. There is a continually growing evidence base on the effectiveness of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) in protecting biodiversity and contributing to global environmental benefits.

State of survival hero exchange