Download the new version for apple YT Saver 7.0.2
Download the new version for apple YT Saver 7.0.2

Learn more in the Test Replay documentation. To start using Test Replay, simply record a run to Cypress Cloud. Test Replay is available in all Cypress Cloud plans. Test Replay provides a way to inspect the DOM, network events, and console logs of your application from your tests exactly as they ran in CI. Previously, trying to debug failures and flake in CI was painful and time consuming with only videos & screenshots. Test Replay brings the debugging experience you know and love from the Cypress app directly into your recorded tests in Cypress Cloud.

download the new version for apple YT Saver 7.0.2

When recording to Cypress Cloud, users now receive our newest feature: Test Replay. Fixed an issue where fatal protocol errors would leak between specs causing all subsequent specs to fail to upload protocol information.Fixed an issue where the release date on the v13 landing page was a day behind.

download the new version for apple YT Saver 7.0.2

  • Individual CDP errors that occur while capturing data for test replay will no longer prevent the entire run from being available.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in Cypress 13.0.0 where the Module API, after:run, and after:spec results did not include the stats.skipped field for each run result.
  • Introduces a status icon representing the latest test run in the Sidebar for the Runs Page.

  • Download the new version for apple YT Saver 7.0.2